Saturday, March 03, 2007

PaniCast 40 Havin' a Ball

Well folks, we've got a treat for you this week. Discovering a previously unlabelled jam is actually a song is a rare reminder that anything is possible when you are dealing with a band who has played over 2,000 shows over the course of 20+ years.

This past week a fan pointed out that there is a song on Michael Houser's MySpace page labelled Analyze. That fan went on to say he had also discovered another version of the song. We have no idea who maintains the MySpace page but there is no doubt that there was something to this information. As it happens I had just listened to the 7/27/94 show as I was doing research for the Rarities cast and recognized the song Analyze from MySpace - we had had it labelled Havin' a Ball. What we've found is that Havin' a Ball has a related jam - similar song structure but different melodies.

After some deliberation with some of my friends and the community over at Digital Panic I am proud to present to you Analyze and Havin' a Ball.

Here's how it goes down this week:
July 9, 1994
Wilson Theater
Bozeman, MT
Happy Child >
I'm Not Alone >
Anaylze >

July 16, 1994
People's Bar and Grill
Ames, IA
Havin' a Ball >
Guilded Splinters

March 14, 1997
Wolf Mountain Arena
Park City, UT
Dirty Business >
Junior >
Dirty Business
B of D

There is some SICK SICK jamming this week, so warn the neighbors and turn it up!

Make sure to click COMMENT below to let us know what you think -

DOWNLOAD the cast here:
Everyday Companion Podcast #40

Click here to subscribe through iTunes.


Anonymous said...

Very interesting! I think both Analyze and Havin' a Ball rock. Your Podcasts keep getting better and better. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

All I can say is that force coming into Analyze from I'm not alone... Well, it's back.

Dgold said...

Hmmm, skeptical about the new song designation cuz I thought it was more of a jam/variation on Havin' A ball, but I'm following the DigitalPanic thread you linked and hearing the podcast comparisons. Thanks EC.


Anonymous said...

This is a mind-numbing wonder to me, and it has been consuming my morning. Pretty sure this intended to be the same song all three times. I have a feeling that this was an "on-the-road" work in progress, and they just got fed up with perfecting it.

If you care about music theory...If you listen closely, all three begin with Dave playing (except the 3rd) the intro in a different position on the fretboard.

Regardless, they are all in the same key & time. Also they ALL begin with quite different approaches. The 7/9 starts with Dave down in the basement, and the rest of them are in higher (yet all different) octaves but are in the same key. Oh yeah JB sings, but I didn't pay much attention. I know Analyze is different, but none of them really seem to be very solid as far as writing them goes.

I think the 7/23 version is WAY shorter shorter than the rest, and it is the only one that is markedly different as far as the intro. I don't think they were very happy with the way it sounded so they went back to a version closer to the 2nd.

Lastly, the 7/27 (Analyze), starts out the same (theoretically)...but not being happy with the 1st few, they tried to speed it up sooner and get more of a rock feel out of it. They're all sick, but original 3 seem a little to "jammy" and aimless (at least as far as Dave is concerned), and I think they may have said "F"-it, and just never got back to it.

Sorry to ramble, I have no one to talk to about this that would really care... Just my thoughts, probably wrong - but I've tried

Anonymous said...

great job Ted! one comment, the version on myspace is from 7-27-94. Incredible segway into fishwater. take a listen, classic!

Anonymous said...

what i found funny was how i had this conversation with a friend about 6 months ago. He pointed out analyze to me somehow, and i immediatley recalled this sick powerful jam with no words that was on a 7/27/1994 Pensacola FL show. That version is not mentioned in the blog but it's there and its clearly the same "song" being developed over what appears to be about a month or so. My friend and I chuckled as this conversation has taken the scene by storm on every blog, site etc. I feel like i validated my panic existence! peace

Anonymous said...

It is truly amazing the intensity that these six guys can conjure up......EXHIBIT A!!!!
Thanks Ted
You are keeping a good thing alive and my spirit Refreshed

mike campbell said...


Appreciate this download in particular; it is the gem thus far out of the 50 plus available here on your blog. The Guilded Splinters featured here from July 16, 1994 is an Eyes Wide Shut experience if I've ever heard one...the jamming at the end sounds eeirly reminiscent of the noodling that Pink Floyd does on their jam, Echoes, from the Live at Pompeii concert back in the day. Incredible.

By far, the most impressive collection on one download.